Monday, February 23, 2009

Big Blog Candy Mountain Monday! **Winner**

Well, last week was great fun with my very first blog and all that candy everyday but this week I want to do it a little differently. Instead of a daily winner, I will save all the candy and give it to just one person whose name I will draw from all posts at the end of the week. So if you visit daily and leave comments then you will have your name in the pot once for each day you posted. Even if you only visit once, you still have that one chance to win it all!

** picked #7 and that is Kathy H! Congratulations Kathy , you have just won all the blog candy for this week! Send me you snail mail info so that I can get your package out to you. Thanks to everyone who commented on all posts this week.**


  1. AWESOME! I know how hard it is to get started with a blog - mine is still new in my opinion. You've gotten a great start and love checking on you.
    (Love the music choices!!)

  2. More candy? are so generous girl! Thanks for the chance! Kathy Hering

  3. I just wated to say HI I already One won. so Dont add me. UNLESS U haves too..LOLOLOL
